Thursday, December 27, 2012

0 Global Bank, HSBC, Escapes "War on Drugs" for Money Laundering, Ties to Terrorism

(Matt Taibbi's story on Rolling Stone) The British bank, HSBC, was recently exposed as having been deeply and brazenly tied with money laundering for drug lords in Latin America and ties to terrorist organizations in Saudi Arabi and Bangladesh.  The penalty upon the banks senior leadership? Tantamount to a slap on the wrist.  The Justice Department gave the senior leadership of HSBC a cushy deal that has HSBC taking back deferred compensation to some of its most senior US anti-money laundering and compliance officers and also having the bank "partially defer" compensation for senior executives during a five-year deferred prosecution...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-26-12): German Soccer, German Economics, Science Fiction/Facts, 2013 Sports Predictions

What Germany's Soccer Dominance Does -- and Doesn't -- Teach Us About its Economic Prowess - Quartz Tim Fernholz A German Resurgence, Feet First - New York Times Nicholas Kulish 27 Science Fictions that Became Science Facts - Buzzfeed Donna Dickens Some Things Will Will Almost Certainly Happen in Sports in 2013 - The Atlantic Hampton Stevens ...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

0 Best Photos of 2012 & Christmas Around the World (PICTURES)

Just hella photos. I'm assuming at this point you are pretty full and maybe you've had a drink or two.  Regrettably, this may be the part of your night when the daggers come out because everyone has had just enough wine. But if it isn't, look on the bright side. There is a Heat-Thunder game on TV now, the Bulls play next, and then there is still another game after that.  What is better than a full day of basketball? Also, here are a bunch of photos to keep you entertained and give you and the fam something to talk about.'s collection of this year's best photos (here) Christmas around the world (her...

Monday, December 24, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-24-12): Obama and the Arab Spring, Mourinho, Boehner, and Christmas

The Consequentialist: How the Arab Spring remade Obama's foreign policy - The New Yorker Ryan Lizza A Holiday Letter from John Boehner - The New Yorker Andy Borowitz Mourinho's genius slipping into madness - ESPNFC Blogs Nicholas Rigg Christmas Crackers - ESPNFC Blogs Phil Ball Commerce Claus - The New Republic George Loewenstein & Cass R. Sunstein Piety and Plenty: The Buying and Selling of Christmas - The New Republic Jackson Lears ...

0 Snakes on McCain: 10 Best Articles of 2012

This is just me -- can't speak for the rest of Snakes on McCain we're all different people and I, unlike Andrew, have not had any strange dreams about mud wrestling with Hu Jintao.  I'm sure that I missed some articles and I definitely have a bias with respect to what I like to read -- like any blogger.  Also, I'm a twenty-something so I think I know everything. I decided to do this in the shower yesterday morning so since then I've been scouring the internet in the hopes of stringing together enough keywords to direct me toward the articles I need but, alas, I'm sure that some have slipped by and will go uncelebrated.  Feel free...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

0 But Seriously, I Miss the US Women's National Soccer Team

That was just a magical-ass time to be watching football.  Seriously, somebody, somewhere, has to find a way to make women's soccer profitable -- even if only at the national level.  Too much talent to go to waste.  Play at college facilities; get sponsorships like NASCAR; do anything!  There are too many girls introducing and expanding the reach of soccer in the States for us to deny them a professional track in the sport. USWNT - The Redeemers from Atlee on Vimeo. Videos snagged via Grantland and USWNT Tumblr ...

0 What We're Reading Today (12-22-12): The 2012 Grantland Shootaround, Jordan-Palestine Confederacy, Django Unchained, and Two Horrific Rape Cases,

Rape Case Unfolds on Web and Splits City - New York Times Juliet Macur & Nate Schweber Gang Rape of a Girl Inside New Delhi Bus Sparks Outrage - Washington Post Rama Lakshmi Is Jordan-Palestine Confederation Back on Negotiating Table - Al-Monitor Daoud Kuttab The Amorality of Django Unchained - The Atlantic Ari Melber The 2012 Shootaround - Grantland Grantland Staff ...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today Paris Edition (12-17-12): LSD and Nerve Gas, Wal-Mart, Racial Profiling, Instagram

*IF YOU READ JUST ONE THING: Operation Delirium - The New Yorker Raffi Khatchadourian High Anxiety: LSD in the Cold War - The New Yorker Raffi Khatchadourian The Bribery Aisle: How Wal-Mart Used Payoffs to Get Its Way in Mexico - The New York Times David Barstow and Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab In Sign of Normalization, Pentagon to Reimburse Pakistan $688 Million - The New York Times Eric Schmitt and David E. Sanger In Gun Owner Statistics, Partisan Divide is Sharp - The New York Times Nate Silver Time To Profile White Men? - Salon David Sirota Instagram, Facebook Stirs Online Protests for Privacy Policy...

Monday, December 17, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today Paris Edition (12-17-12): Daniel Inouye, 2016, Newton, Gun Control, Tim Scott, Obama and Romney

Daniel Inouye Dies - Politico Kate Nocera POLITICO ebook: Plenty of 2012 Pitfalls for Obama and Romney - Politico Jonathan Martin and Glenn Thrush Fault Lines Also Appearing On Democratic Side in Fiscal Debate - Los Angeles Times Christi Parsons, Michael A. Memoli, and Kathleen Hennessey *IF YOU READ JUST ONE THING: Our Corrosive Guessing Games - The New York Times Frank Bruni  Tim Scott To Be Named For South Carolina Senate Seat, Republicans Say - The New York Times Jennifer Stenhauer and Jeff Zeleny Some Unlikely Democrats Join in Push for New Gun Laws - The New York Times Jeremy W. Peters In...

Friday, December 14, 2012

0 "After Publishing Offensive Christmas Carol, Tufts Student Journal Self-Imposes Suspension" - Lauren Landry

The author of this post for BostInno was supremely helpful and eager to cover the story at Tufts yesterday.  Many thanks to Lauren Landry for her professionalism and sincere interest in campus climate here at Tufts. Lauren's article on BostInno can be found here Hopefully we can count on Lauren to hear more stories regarding campus climate and student activism here.  It's a story that is too often covered exclusively "in response to" as opposed to examined in its own context and with its own narrativ...

0 Dikembe Mutombo's 4.5 Weeks to Save the World

It is exactly what you think ...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

1 Veritas Sine Dolo - Willful Ignorance and Empty Apologies in the Age of the Primary Source

TLDR: If the Primary Source wants to be the journal of Conservative thought at Tufts, it needs to redirect its efforts.  TCU President, Wyatt Cadley, has asked for an apology from the leaders of the publication but, instead of an apology to the activists and women on this campus -- those who are, frankly, unsurprised by the Source, perhaps the Source should apologize to the Conservatives who it fails with every issue it publishes?  Don't apologize for the sake of an apology.  This is about victims, real victims, who you are willing to re-traumatize.  Just learn something and be better or stop wasting all of our time. ______________________________________________________________ Veritas...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-12-12): The Year in Photos; FIFA; Adrian Peterson; Humans of New York (in Iran) and Kids These Days

The Year in Photos Part III Part II Part I Kids These Days - "Doo Wah" Music Video Blatter, Platini, must team-up on goal-line tech - ESPN FC Gabriele Marcotti The Passion of Adrian Peterson, or a Purple Pilgrim's Progress - Grantland Steve Marsh Humans of New York (in Iran) ...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-11-12): Syria; the Democratic Party; Affirmative Action; and Seattle's Marriage Equality

60 Moments that Gave Me the Chills During Seattle's First Day of Marriage Equality - Buzzfeed Matt Stopera The Data Plan - The New Republic Jeffrey Rose Are Women Being Targeted in Syria - The Atlantic Lauren Wolfe Inside Bashar al-Assad's Army - The Daily Beast Mike Giglio How to Save the Democratic Party - The Nation L.R. Runner ...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today, Brussels Edition (12-10-12): Hillary's Choices, Obama's Data Mining, 2012, Jim DeMint, Police in Schools

Hillary Clinton's Countless Choices Hinge on One: 2016 - The New York Times Jodi Kantor Schoolhouse to Courthouse - The New York Times Donna Lieberman How Obama's Data Scientists Built a Volunteer Army on Facebook - Gigaom Derrick Harris Our Hillary Problem: Should She Run in 2016? - The New Yorker Amy Davidson 2012: The Year of the Attack of the Gay Muslim Kenyan Divorcee President - The New Yorker Alex Koppelman The Evolution of Jim DeMint - The New Yorker Keefa Sanneh ...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-5-12): Rubio; Obama's Data; Bradley Manning; Bob Costas; Bernie Sanders

Rubio: Science, faith 'not inconsistent' on earth - Politico Emily Schultheis Democrats to Obamaland: share your data - Politico Lois Romano Bradley Manning Gets No Love from the New York Times - The New Republic Eliza Gray The Impossible Lightness of Being Bob Costas - The New Republic Marc Tracy The Secret of Bernie Sanders's Success - The Nation John Nichols ...

0 Don't Believe in Rape Culture? Have Some Stats.

Out of every 100 rapes: 46 are reported to the police 12 rapes will resort in an arrest 9 rape cases are prosecuted 5 rape cases lead to a felony conviction Only 3 rapists will ever spend a day in jail In a survey of 11-14 year-old boys: 51% believed rape was acceptable if a boy spent a lot of money on a girl 31% believed rape was acceptable  if a girl had past sexual experience 65% believed rape were acceptable if a girl and boy had been dating for more than 6 months 87% believed rape were acceptable if the woman and man are married A woman might not even have grown up understanding what rape is…because in a survey of 11-14 year-old...

0 "The consequences of sexism are out there"

I feel like straight men have to work twice as hard as gay men to have sex. That’s what they get for all that slut shaming they do to women. via The Anti-Intellect Bl...
People said that black women were bitches. And that they were the least attractive of God’s women. The mules of the world made, supposedly, for servitude. And that they should be pitied because all they would ever know was disappointment and sorrow.People said that black women were cold and unfeeling. Or hilariously comical and overly intelligent. Intimidating. People said that black women weren’t loved by their fathers or chosen to be loved by black men because they were all born with attitude problems and simply weren’t as nice or playful or sweet or feminine as any of the other women in the world. People said that blackness was evil because...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-4-12): Settlements; Ke$ha; Congress; Multiracial Folks; Sad Romney

19 Signs You are Multiracial - Thought Catalog Sarah Maldonado Ke$sha is the Last Great Rock Star - The Atlantic Jonathan Bogart Elect More Women - The American Prospect Jan Schakowsky Israeli Settlement Mayor to France and Britain: Protests Don't Matter - The Daily Beast Dan Ephron 'Dialogue' stands in way of justice in Palestine - The Chicago Maroon Samee Sulaiman & Sami Kishawi Egypt's Mursi leaves palace as police battle protestors - Reuters Yasmine Saleh & Marwa Awad Gallup Finds a Majority of Americans Still Religious - The Daily Beast David Sessions Today in 'fiscal cliff': This is what progress looks like - Washington Post Suzy...

0 Comments on Spielberg's "Lincoln"

I have yet to see Steven Spielberg's newest biopoic but, without a doubt, the film has drawn the criticism and praise from many on all sides of the spectrum.  I tried to find some different perspectives and put them all together for you guys to read.  Enjoy Lincoln, Colonization and the Sound of Silence - New York Times Sebastian Page Why Aren't More Liberals Defending Lincoln? - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates 'Lincoln' as Radical Art - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates Spielberg's Lincoln is a Film for Our Political Moment - The New Republic David Thomson The Underrated Radicalism of 'Lincoln' - The Atlantic A.O. Scott Lincoln Against...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (12-1-12): Red vs Blue; Rwandan Ghosts; Susan Rice

Red State, Blue City: How the Urban-Rural Divide is Splitting America - The Atlantic Josh Kron Susan Rice: Just Another 'Incompetent" Black Woman - The Daily Beast Sophia A. Nelson The Ecstasy and Agonies of a Permanent Democratic Majority - The New Republic John B. Judis The Ongoing Cost of the GOP's Diversity Problem - The New Republic Alec MacGillis Young and Restless: On Brigham Young - The Nation Chris Lehmann Hamas the Victorious? - The Nation Graham Usher Rwandan Ghosts - Foreign Policy Jason K. Stearns ...

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