Saturday, September 28, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (9-28-13)

Yeezy, Drake, TFA, AmeriCorps, Rich folks, Chicago, Education Why Kanye is Right, And Kimmel emblematic - Storify Ayesha A. Siddiqi (@PushingHoops) The Worst Part Of the Kanye-Kimmel Saga? It's Hardly Surprising. - Huffington Post Kia Makarechi Kanye West Isn't Joking Anymore - Pitchfork Ernest Baker Watch/Listen: Kanye West's Full Interview With Zane Lowe - Pitchfork Evan Minsker and Jean Pelly I Quit Teach for America - The Atlantic Olivia Blanchard Plutocrats Feeling Persecuted - New York Times Paul Krugman Breaking the Cycle of Anger - The Nation Marie Myung-Ok Lee The Young, Low-Wage, Temporary Disaster Relief Army - The Nation Max...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (9-25-13)

Today is a day of cultural awareness, and creative intrigue. Some collections of music and visuals and interviews from Kanye to 80's Graffiti. Also my girl Solange makes a cameo. Listen, look and feel. The 50 Best Rap Album Covers of the Past Five Years, Dale Eisinger et al., Complex 'It Could Have Been Me': The 1983 Death Of A NYC Graffiti Artist, Erik Neilson, CodeSwitch “I’m Just A White Girl In This World” — On Hip-Hop’s White Girls and Internet Novelty, Kendra James, Racialicious Gender Bending, Genre Mashing, Elvis Geisha, Lady Man, Andrea Mary Marshall, Dodge and Burn Kanye West's Zane Lowe Interview, Michael Hann, The Guardian...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (9-22-13)

Sorry for the long wait.  Teaching is.... hard. New York Times: Voices for Equality - New York Times The Reality of Black Male Privilege - The Grio Theodore R. Johnson In Which You Have No Idea What They've Endured - This Recording Alex Carnevale When Your (Brown) Body is a (White) Wonderland - Tressiemc When Peace Becomes Obnoxious - MLK and the Global Freedom Struggle Martin Luther King Jr. Rosen: The 2013 VMAs Were Dominated by Miley's Minstrel Show - Vulture Jody Rosen How school privatization hawks Teach for America promote Israel - Electronic Intifada Max Blumenthal [ENOUGH] Keep Chicago Out Your Mouth - Ebony Joshua Adams Are...

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