Sunday, November 17, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (11-17-13)

Up in Arms - Tufts Magazine Colin Woodard Foucault Explained With Hipsters - Binary This They Loved Your GPA and then they saw Your Tweets - New York Times Natasha Singer Beyond 'I'm Sorry': 5 Ideas to Help Make Obamacare Work - The Atlantic Garance Franke-Ruta Can the Defense Budget Shrink Without Risking National Security - The Atlantic Eric Schnurer The Grand Old Tea Party - The Nation Rick Perlstein Black Voters, Not Gender Gap, Won McAuliffe Virginia - The Nation Zerlina Maxwell The Ideal Husband - NY Review of Books Susan Sontag Nothing Was The Same: on Drake and the white boy imaginary - The Indy Sam Rosen Richard Cohen in Context...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (10-5-13): The "Logan Stayed Home Sick" Edition

Italy Breaks Your Heart - New York Times Frank Bruni The Man Who Invented the Calendar - The New Yorker B.J. Novak White Folks Are Telling You to Kiss Their ... - Ebony Jamilah Lemieux Who is Black? - One Drop Yaba The Article that Nails the Arrogance and Stupidity of the Drug War - Alter Net Robert Kahn 'In a Starving, Bleeding, Captive Land' - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates Homecoming at Howard - New York Times Ta-Nehisi Coates 'What Are Clothes?' Asks Most Delightful Supreme Court Argument in History - The Atlantic Megan Garber Why Are American Schools Still Segregated? - The Atlantic Eleanor Barkhorn 50...

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