Tuesday, January 28, 2014

0 What We're Reading Today (1-28-14)

Macklemore, White Privilege, and the Grammy For Best Rap Album - Complex Insanul Ahmed Why I Will Never Want the "Same Love" - Huffington Post Jay Dodd Macklemore is being used to paint the rest of hip-hop as 'uncivil' - Huffington Post The Guardian "Same Love," same old shit? - From the Square Karen Tongson The Myth of Black Homophobia: Why I'm Not Feeling Macklemore and Why White Saviors Are Anything But - At the Bar Dennis Upkins Making Jay Z 'Eat the Cake' - NewBlackMan (in Exile) Mark Anthony Deal BOW DOWN, MACKLEMORE: Why 'Same Love' is NOT My Queer Anthem - Guerilla Feminism Kelly Fox Obama Is Not a Post-Racial President - Foreign...

Saturday, January 25, 2014

0 What We're Reading Today (1-25-14)

Your Degrees Will Not Protect You: A Lesson from Richard Sherman - For Harriet Kimberly Foster Don Lemon and the Middle Class Embrace of Pathological Blackness - For Harriet Kimberly Foster Michael Crabtree as racial remainder - J. Drabinksi John E. Drabinski The World's 85 Richest People Are as Wealthy as the Poorest 3 Billion - The Atlantic Derek Thompson Can Anyone Stop Hillary? Absolutely - The Atlantic James A. Barnes The radical gospel of Martin Luther King - Al Jazeera Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou Dopamine and Teenage Logic - The Atlantic Daniel Siegel Does the Republican Party Have to Change - The Atlantic Molly Ball Richard Sherman:...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

0 What We're Reading Today (1-19-14)

James Baldwin and Dick Gregory: "Baldwin's Nigger" (1969) - YouTube James Baldwin and Dick Gregory Rickey Vincent on Listen, Whitey!: The Sounds of Black Power 1965-1975 - LA Review of Books Rickey Vincent Empire States of Mind: Johnny, Patti, and Jay - LA Review of Books Jack Hamilton Free, Black and Blue Ivy - Ebony Jamilah Lemieux Hatred of Congress - Five Thirty Eight Tom Schaller 'You Have to Know History to Actually Teach It' - The Atlantic David Cutler Spoken and Unspoken - NPR Various What Bill de Blasio Can Learn From New York City's Last Radical Mayor - The Nation D.D. Guttenplan Will Black Deaths Matter in de Blasio's...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

0 The Apologetic Body | Bodies of Critique, Respectability, and Resistance

            In the words of acclaimed writer Dream Hampton, the anatomy of an apology is as follows: 1)I’m sorry, 2) Here’s my understanding of how I hurt you. 3) I will never do that again. Various PR blogs expand upon this idea by stating  it is important to note tone/intent, delivery, and actions to follow. Apologies are a mainstay in our culture and we often hold popular and powerful figures to the same acts of penance that we expect from our close friends and family. I understand this phenomenon. Celebrities and pundits and politicians alike are responsible as cultural influences....

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