Sunday, February 23, 2014

1 Why I Can't Stand Junot Díaz: Decolonial Love is About Hate, Not Love

Why I Can't Stand Junot Díaz: Decolonial Love is About Hate, Not Love By: Brandon Archambault I haven't read any of Junot Díaz's fiction. I plan to get there eventually, but when I critique Díaz, it's for his politics. Decolonial theory is associated with names like Walter D. Mignolo; if you want a solid critique from someone much more qualified than me of Mignolo specifically and his decolonial bugbears, then the first thirteen pages of this monograph do exactly that. Díaz, though, is specifically more well-known for talking about “decolonial LOVE,” and that's why I single him out for being intolerable. First, let's step through where...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

0 What We're Reading Today (2-22-14)

A Dictator's Guide to Urban Design - The Atlantic Matt Ford Kiev Truce Shattered, Dozens Killed - The Atlantic The Dark Power of Fraternities - The Atlantic Caitlin Flanagan White-Washing Malcolm X: The Atlantic's View in 1965 - The Atlantic David A. Graham The Zombie Numbers That Rule the US Economy - The Atlantic Zachary Karabell Among the Believers: What Jalal Al-e Ahmad Thought Iranian Islamism Could Learn From Zionism - Foreign Affairs Bernard Avishai; Jalal Al-e Ahmad CFC Talks Love with Author Kiese Laymon - Crunk Feminist Collective Crunktastic Musevini's Oil Bet - Foreign Affairs Vivian Salama The Cultish Appeal of Michelle...

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