Wednesday, September 19, 2012

0 Romney's Neglected 47% and the Hypocrisy of the Votes

My high school English teacher (and, effectively, my life coach), Mr. Wright, started writing his own blog that is largely political last year.  He had a post back in January, in the wake of Alabama's anti-immigration policies, that offered the question of, "What if [the North] had let the South go?"  That question can be weighed and debated over on Wright and Left but toward the end of the piece, Mr. Wright began running through some numbers that are pertinent to Mitt Romney's comments about the 47% of America that, allegedly, does not contribute and that will not vote against President Obama no matter what. The Romney, Ryan,...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

0 What We're Reading Today (9-18-12)

Kanye West's Prosperity Gospel - The Atlantic Spencer Kornhaber Fighting Irrelevance with Fire: The Chicago Teachers' Strike - The Economist The Economist Scott Brown's Feminist Fight with Elizabeth Warren - The Daily Beast Michelle Cottle Will Obama's Campaign-Trail Bar Crawl Leave Romney Staggering? - The Daily Beast David Freedlander We are all Welfare Queens Now - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates ...

Monday, September 17, 2012

0 Patriot Game by The New York Times

The New York Times did a fun mash-up of Romney and Obama clips from their respective speeches to  produce this fun video.  Need to kill 2 minutes and 30 seconds?  Here it is. ...

0 Wall Street's Fear of Elizabeth Warren

Full disclosure, I'm an intern for the Elizabeth Warren for Senate campaign so, as you can imagine, I'm thrilled with this headline.  I should also say, for legal reasons, that these thoughts are entirely my own and, in no way, reflect the views and opinions of Elizabeth Warren and her campaign staff. The more I get involved with the Warren/Brown race in Massachusetts the more I am intrigued by it.  I haven't followed Scott Brown's voting record as a Senator especially closely but I know his stance on enough major issues and know that I prefer Warren's perspectives to his enough so to feel confident on her campaign team.  However,...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

0 Preliminary Thoughts on Yeezy's, "Mitt Romney don't pay no tax"

(Via Politico) Yeezy is getting ready to drop his newest album, Cruel Summer.  After My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Watch the Throne (with Jay-Z), fans are undoubtedly excited to see the next project to come from the mind of Chicago's tortured-douchebag-rapper-producer-musician-artist-"voice of a generation". In a refreshing turn toward politics for Yeezy, he drops a line in his second verse that calls-out Republican candidate, Mitt Romney: These niggas tryna hold me back.  I'm just trying to protect my stacks. Mitt Romney don't pay no tax, Mitt Romney don't pay no tax. A few weeks ago,  Kiese Laymon published a...

0 Rednecks 4 Obama

I don't really dig the use of the old Confederate Flag but the sentiment is still nice. ...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

0 "Obama's Way" in Vanity Fair by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis spent 6 months profiling President Obama for Vanity Fair.  His piece is endearing, insightful, and a pleasure to read.  Everyone knows President Obama plays a lot of basketball but did you know that he wears the same red-white-and-blue UnderArmour high tops every time he straps up on the court?  Check it our here.  It's a long piece but well worth the read.* Basketball hadn’t appeared on the president’s official schedule, and so we traveled the streets of Washington unofficially, almost normally. A single police car rode in front of us, but there were no motorcycles or sirens or whirring lights: we even stopped...

0 What We're Reading Today (9-12-12)

On Obama's 'Disappointing' DNC Speech - The Atlantic James Fallows Florida, a True Must-Win for Romney - FiveThirtyEight Nate Silver Is Bin Laden Winning - The Atlantic Robert Wright Against Foodie Diplomacy - The New Republic Noreen Malone Hologram Steve Jobs Returns as Rapper to Introduce iPhone 5 - HighSnobiety David Fischer Clinton, Obama, and the Triumph of Substance - The New Republic Jonathan Cohn ...

0 Bill Clinton: What He Said vs What was Written

(Via The Atlantic Wire) Bill Clinton is a phenomenal public speaker.  His rhetorical flourishes and charisma work wonders every time he delivers another speech.  If you missed him at the DNC a few nights ago you truly are missing out.  President Clinton was polished, professional, friendly, and interesting.  His speech had substance; it had pop; it had grit and honesty and a folksy trueness to it that most political speeches lack. The most interesting thing is that Bill Clinton didn't write most of the speech.  As it turns out, there were huge swaths of his 49-minute talk that were delivered off the cuff and totally...

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