Friday, March 29, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-29-13)

What Difference Will Same-Sex Marriage Make? - The Nation Melissa Harris-Perry  Adbusters Call for Actions to Shut Down Goldman Sachs Offices - Democracy Now Unintended Consequences: Is U.S. Law Inadvertantly Hurting Apple? - The Atlantic Adam Pasick Malicious Obstruction in the Senate - New York Times Editorial This Street Art by Felice Varini Will Blow Your Mind - The Atlantic Cities Henry Grabar What Happened to Rainbows? Why Facebook Turned Red for Gay Rights - The Atlantic Ashley Fetters 2,000 Years of Partying: The Brief History and Economics of Spring Break - The Atlantic Derek Thompson 'We Were Handcuffing Kids For No Reason':...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-27-13)

Mother to Son: A Conversation on Black Womanhood & Survival - The Feminist Wire Darnell L. Moore How Marshall Henderson Gets Away With Being Marshall Henderson - Deadspin Greg Howard Number of Democratic Holdouts Against Gay Marriage Is Dwindling Fast - The Daily Beast David Freedlander Welcome to Palestine: What's Your Faith? - The Daily Beast Maysoon Zayid A Colorblind Constitution: What Abigail Fisher's Affirmative Action Case is Really About - Pro Publica Nikole Hannah Jones The White Student Suing to Overthrow Affirmative Action Was Too Dumb to Get Into Her Chosen College - Gawker Tom Scocca Against the 'Conversation on Race' -...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-26-13)

States Chipping Away at Roe v. Wade - New York Times Our Kind of Ridiculous: Yous, Me and Blackness as Probable Cause - Gawker Kiese Laymon Misogyny and Powerful Women - Al Jazeera Alison Booth No, a Sweeping Gay Marriage Ruling Won't Trigger a Backlash - The New Republic David Fontana How Gay Liberation became a Family Values Movement - Automatic Writing The Prehistory of Gay Marriage: Watch a 1971 Protest at NYC's Marriage License Bureau - The Atlantic Garance Franke-Ruta Defending Fox News Is a Fool's Errand for Conservatives - The Atlantic Conor Friedersdorf To Chinua Achebe, With Love - Color Lines Akiba Solomon, Roopika Risam, Adeline...

Monday, March 25, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-25-13)

Walking While Black in New York - New York Times Editorial What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - The Atlantic Anu Partanen No, Jesus Wasn't a White Dude, Partner - Salon Chauncey Devega 'Be More Like the Jews' - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates Right to Remain Silent - This American Life What's Wrong with the Term 'Person of Color' - Black Girl Dangerous Janani The Trouble with Justin Timberlake's Appropriation of Black Music - ColorLines Jamilah King What's Wrong with Fat-Shaming? - Everyday Feminism Lesley Kinzel Rethinking Israel-Palestine: Beyond Bantustans, Beyond Reservations - The Nation Noura Erakat The Erased...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-20-13)

It's snowy in Medfaaahd so I have had plenty of time to read today.  If my tabs are correct you should have about 15 goodies to pick from for your daily dose of knowledge.  Aproveche! Also a big, Eid e shoma mobarak to all my Persian fam and friends out there! The Modern King in the Arab Spring - The Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg Storify: Jordanians' Reactions to the Atlantic's Feature on King Abdullah - 7iber Sex, Violence, and Radical Islam: Why Persepolis Belongs in Public Schools - The Atlantic Noah Berlatsky Race Didn't Cost Abigail Fisher Her Spot at the University of Texas - The Atlantic Wire Nikole Hannah-Jones I Am Not Your...

0 Telly & Sparbz - 42 Cypher feat. Bryce and Camo

Just showing some Tufts love ...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-14-13)

Jay-Z's Hegemony in the Age of Kanye - Foreign Policy Marc Lynch What the Name "Francis I" means for the Modern Church - The Atlantic David M. Perry The Midwife of American Freedom - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates China's Hip, New First Lady - The Atlantic Lily Kuo Steubenville and Challenging Rape Culture in Sports - The Nation Dave Zirin The Emir of NYU: John Sexton's Abu Dhabi Debacle - The Atlantic Zvika Kreiger How Racism is Bad for Our Bodies - The Atlantic Jacob Silverstein NYPD Violence Looms in Third Day of Protests for Kimani Grey - Colorlines Jamilah King Black Lawmakers Demand End to Prison-to-Deportation Pipeline - Colorlines Seth...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

0 Tufts Divest Participates in "Funeral for Our Future"

I'll let them speak for themselves "On Monday, March 11, over 100 people representing a coalition of students, members fo the Massachusetts Methodist clergy, mothers fighting for their children, and concerned community members marched into the Westborough, MA office of TransCanada Corporation and held a funder mourning the loss of our future at the hands of the Keystone XL Pipeline.  The pipeline will transport the tar sands that climate scientists say will lock us into irreversible global warming. Of those 100 protesters, 25 of us locked themselves together with handcuffs and were arrested in an act of civil disobedience. Carrying...

0 What We're Reading Today (3-12-13)

Why It Matters that Rand Paul Got His Answer - The Atlantic Conor Friedersdorf Coal Power Plants are Killing Thousands in Europe: Report - The Atlantic: Cities John Metcalfe Forgive Me Mentor, For I Will Run: How Marco Rubio Could End Jeb Bush' Electoral Career - The New Republic Marin Cogan Man sets himself ablaze in Tunisia - Al Jazeera How the 'war on terror' in England became a war on women and children - al Jazeera Victoria Brittain Does Ashley Judd Stand a Chance - The New Republic Nate Cohn Punto y seguido o punto y final - El Pais Ramon Besa Beyond Great! Man Utd Legend Sir Bobby Charleton would love Nike-fueled Cristiano Ronaldo...

Monday, March 11, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-11-13)

The Liberals Against Affirmative Action - New York Times David Leonhardt Why Does America Pretend it Doesn't Hate Women - Feminspire Anisha Ahuja The Crimson's Anti-Palestinian Bias - Harvard Political Review Lena Awwad, Giacomo Bagarella, Asmaa Rimawi, Hannah Schafer On Questioning the Jewish State - New York Times Joseph Levine Venezuela After Chavez - Jacobin Jeffrey R. Weber The End of the Two-State Solution: Why the window is closing on Middle-East peace - The New Republic Ben Birnbaum Kate Upton and Ryan Gosling Explain the Sequester - Gawker Max Read The Threat of an Imperial President - The Nation Tom Hayden Did NYPD Entrap Ahmed...

0 100

This is Snakes on McCain's 100th post that is ...

Friday, March 8, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-8-13)

Israel's Dreaded Tipping Point has Finally Arrived - The Atlantic S. Daniel Abraham 12 SXSW Panels, Films and Concerts that Deserve Your Attention - Colorlines Jorge Rivas Obama's Fatherhood Meme Ruffles Otherwise Ardent Supporters - Colorlines Jamilah King Cheap Eats: How America Spends Its Money on Food - The Atlantic Derek Thompson The Bike Helmet Paradox - The Atlantic James Hamblin If You Want a Strong US Economy, Root for China - The Atlantic Zachary Karabell The Tyranny of the Zip Code - The New Republic Anna Clarke No One Should have to Live in Fear of Violence - The Root Valerie Jarrett Afghan Women Face the Future - The Nation Ann...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-7-13)

Obama's Dining Room Diplomacy: Why his charm offensive could yield a grand bargain - The New Republic Noam Schrieber Elizabeth Warren: Bust banks that launder money - Politico Patrick Reis The Good, Racist People - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates Wealth Inequality is a Problem, But How do You Even Begin to Solve It - The Atlantic Derek Thompson Afghanistan, February 2013: Anti-Taliban Militias - The Atlantic Why the Invasion of Iraq was the Single Worst Foreign Policy Decision in American History - The Nation Peter Van Buren The Folly of Sober-Minded Cynicism - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates Looking for Azealia's Harlem Shake, Or How We Mistake...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-6-13)

Stoicism and Black Women's Armor:  Clutch Magazine- LaChelle W. Trigger Warning – How to Love?: Thoughts on Wayne’s “Emmett Till” Lyrics and More Crunck Feminist Collective: Moya and Whitney The Last All-Nighter NY Times: Kate Miller Over Obama’s objections, Supreme Court pushes view of ‘post-racial’ America Perry Bacon Jr. In some parts of Yemen, 'the free south lives' The Christian Science Monitor: Adam Baron On the Legacy of Hugo Chavez The Nation: Greg Grandin Flash of Red Leaves United Speechless NY Times: Sam Borden And on campus....: Op-Ed | Blackness, Palestine, solidarity: A call for a critical love ethic Tufts...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (3-2-13)

Israeli army ire over social media posts - BBC  Yolande Knell The Arcane Rules that Keep Low-Income Kids Out of College - The Atlantic Sarah Carr Al Qaeda Hits Obama for Marriage Equality - Mother Jones Adam Serwer The psycho-sexual ordeal of reporting in Washington - The New Republic Marin Cogan A Few Men Who Begged Me Not to Write About Them - Gawker N. Michelle AuBuchon Israel pondrá autobuses solo para palestinos para que no usen los regulares - El Mundo ...

Friday, March 1, 2013

0 "The Ghetto, Public Policy, and the Jewish Exception" - Ta-Nehisi Coates

After learning about racial covenants in Professor Sharpe's Home is Where the Hatred Is, I was glad to see that Ta-Nehisi Coates (one of my favorites over at The Atlantic) was doing some research into the matter of his own.  The ways in which racial covenants and the process of red-lining neighborhoods and property led to exploitation and tension between black and Jewish residents leads me to think more on Baldwin's comments in his essay The Harlem Ghetto about the relatoinship between blacks and Jews in Harlem.  Still just raisins in the sun, I guess. The Ghetto, Public Policy, and the Jewish Exception How Good Principles...

0 What We're Reading Today (3-1-13)

The Dangerous Logic of the Bradley Manning Case - The New Republic Yochai Benkler We Aren't the World - The Pacific Standard Ethan Watters Supreme Court Poised to Declare Racism Over - Mother Jones Adam Serwer Rahm on the Ropes - The Nation Rick Perlstein Congress Honors Rosa Parks while the Supreme Court Targets the Voting Rights Act - The Nation Ari Berman Goodbye, Bob - Gawker John Cook Go for the Throat! - Slate John Dickerson ...

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