Friday, June 28, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (6-28-13)

Jay-Z -- dropping the word 'bitch' doesn't begin to cover it - Guardian Tricia Rose The Fight For Black Men - The Daily Beast Joshua DuBois All sorts of terrible Supreme Court decisions - Son of Baldwin What Happens Without Affirmative Action: The Story of UCLA - NPR NPR Staff 'I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess' Intersectionality, Assemblage, and Affective Politics - EIPCP Jasbir Puar Yeezus Lives: 30 Albums to Try If You Like the New Kanye West - Vulture Andy Battaglia Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act - Color Lines Brentin Mock On Wendy Davis, the Supreme Court, and Speaking Out As Women - New York Magazine Ann Friedman Tammy...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

0 Tiny Victories: Satiation is Death, On SCOTUS this Week

We are living in a time of progress of thought, ideas, and justice. And in the name of progress, the Supreme Court  of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled to strike down section 3 of Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which didn't recognize same-sex marriage federally. This adds to a growing fight for equality nationwide, allowing persons who have already been legally married in their state to receive federal benefits. This is a victory, for so many queer-committed persons. However, this “monumental” ruling will in many ways overshadow most of the terrors/traumas enacted on women, people of color and the disenfranchised this...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (6-18-13)

Being a good student in the back of this TFA session. You Are The Second Person - Guernica Mag Kiese Laymon Arizona Gets Rare Smackdown From Justice Scalia - The Atlantic Garrett Epps How Caffeine Can Cramp Creativity - New Yorker Maria Konnikova The 4 Weapons of Exceptional Creative Leaders - Fast Company Charles Day Jay-Z's Android Deal Shows How Race Colors Smartphone Market - Color Lines Jamilah King Linking Home and Classroom, Oakland Bets on Community Schools - The Atlantic Trey Bundy and Sarah Butrymowicz False Accuser Ordered to Pay Banks $2.6 Million after Sending Him to Prison - Your Black World Dr. Boyce Watkins How Do You...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (6-16-13)

White America Is Here to Stay - The Nation Mychal Denzel Smith A Rising Tide Lifts All Yachts - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates Color-Blind Policy and Color-Conscious Morality - The Atlantic Ta-Nehisi Coates The Sword Drops on Food Stamps - The Nation George Zornick Obama Tumbles Down Syria's Slippery Slope - The Nation Bob Dreyfuss Race vs. Class: The False Dichotomy - New York Times Sherrilyna A. Ifill Gazi to Gezi: Turkish Protests Unite Minorities Who Distrust Each Other - The Atlantic Sulome Anderson 'Rise of the Colored Empires' - The Atlantic James Hamblin Immigrants Reach Beyond a Legal Barrier for a Reunion - New York Times Rebekah...

Monday, June 10, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (6-10-13)

First and foremost, congrats to Jameelah on her NEW JOB! Second, sorry for the delay.  This is basically a "What we've been reading the past few days because my tabs are so cluttered."  There is a lot of fascinating business in the news though ranging from the NSA, to the George Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin) trial, on to more shootings in the US, and the happenings in Gezi Park. Battleground America: One nation, under the gun - New Yorker Jill Lepore Sean, Oscar, and Trayvon - The Nation Mychal Denzel Smith What's Really on Trial in George Zimmerman's Case? - Color Lines Eric Mann ULTRA-magnetic FCs: The Soccer Fans at the Heart of...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

0 Help Snakes Compile a List of Summer Essentials

SUBMIT HERE Hey everyone, right now, the homies here at Snakes on McCain want to throw together a list of essential summer consumables for everyone as they have their hot weather adventures.  Originally, this was going to be just a summer reading list but we're tempted to think about all kinds of media (and maybe even food and drink) that we should all be taking in.  That said, we want your help.  Seriously, we do. Myself, Jay, Jameelah, Munir, Meredith, and Jacob (who runs the Twitter) are trying to figure out our favorites that we think everyone should engage with this summer.  However, we know that there is nothing...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today (6-2-13)

Happy June, everybody!  In the next few days, be on the lookout for a little update from Snakes on McCain that will summarize what we have planned moving forward.  Thanks for all the love, everyone and welcome to summer! Breadwinning Wives and Nervous Husbands - New York Times Richard H. Thaler Black Chicago in the 1970s, Through the Lens of John H. White - Chicago Magazine Whet Moser I'm Biracial, and That Cheerios Ad Is a Big Fucking Deal. Trust Me. - Jezebel Meagan Hatcher-Mays Istanbul Erupts In Violence After Protests Against Razing Of Gezi Park - The Daily Beast Mike Giglio Zimmerman Lawyers Admit Misstep - The Daily Beast What...

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