Tuesday, July 2, 2013

0 What We're Reading Today 7-1-13

Same-Sex Marriage Makes David Brooks Crazy - Rolling Stone
Matt Taibbi

The Equity Gap, 1965-2013 [Infographic] - Color Lines
Erin Zipper, Dom Apollon

White Rapper FAQ - Aamer Rahman
Aamer Rahman

The Night the NBA Draft Got Drunk - Grantland
Andrew Sharp

10 Years After the Fall of Saddam, How Do Iraqis Look Back on the War? - The Atlantic
J.J. Gould

The Divided States of America, in 25 Charts - The Atlantic
Bob Cohn

Queen of the Throne Age - GQ

Dear Leader Dreams of Sushi - GQ
Adam Johnson

The New Inferiority - GQ
David Remnick

A Letter to Rachel Jeantel, The Prosecution's Key Witness In The George Zimmerman Trial - Role Reboot
Khadijah Costley White

Wall of Shame: George Zimmerman's Defense Team - The Feminist Wire

Dark-Skinned and plus-sized: The real Rachel Jeantel story - Salon
Brittney Cooper

Calling In a Queer Debt - Black Girl Dangerous
Mia McKenzie

Wendy Davis for Governor? - The Nation
John Nichols

Seeking New Leadership, Millions of Egyptians Take to the Streets - The Atlantic
Umar Farooq

Protests Around the World - The Atlantic

via The Atlantic


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