Monday, October 5, 2015

3 What We're Reading Today (10-5-15)

The Populist Prophet - The New Yorker Margaret Talbot Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Mayor  - The Atlantic Russell Banks The Breakdown of the Black Family  - The Atlantic Kay Hymowitz First, Let's Get Rid of All the Bosses  - The New Republic Roger D. Hodge Obama, Guns, and the Politics of Hopelessness - The New Yorker John Cassidy Many Former Foster Youths Don't Know They Have Health Care - NPR Ray Glier Our George Wallace - Slate Jamelle Bouie Jeb Bush, 'Free Stuff' and Black Folks - NY Times Charles Blow The Death of Evan Murray - Grantland Charles Pierce The Slave-State Origins of Modern Gun Rights - The Atlantic Saul...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

0 What We're Reading Today (9-24-15)

The Washington Region Needs Bold Commitments to End the Housing Crisis - Greater Greater Washington David Bowers  (read the comments, as well) White Out: Why integrating America's neighborhoods and cities is harder than we think - Slate Jamelle Bouie Eyes all sticking like honey on bees - Matt's Newsletter Matthew Yglesias Black patients fare better than whites when both get same healthcare, study finds - LA Times  Alan Zarembo What Rugby Can Teach America About Honoring Indigenous Culture - The Atlantic  Jake Flanagin Political scientists think "the party" will stop Trump. They shouldn't be so sure. - Vox Andrew Prokop...

Monday, September 14, 2015

0 What We're Reading Today (9-14-15)

The Anti-Redskin - The Atlantic Ariel Sabar The Intersection of Faith and Politics - The Atlantic Erin Kotlan The vengeful god of Kim Davis: The powerful forces we ignore when we fixate on one Kentucky clerk - Salon Brittney Cooper A Brief Visual History of Weapons - The Atlantic Mark Zuckerberg and the End of Language - The Atlantic William Davies Scare Headlines Exaggerated The US Crime Wave - Five Thirty Eight Carl Bialik  Why I Put My Wife's Career First - The Atlantic Andrew Moravcsik Think Out Loud - The New Repulic Michael Eric Dyson Paid Leave's Champions This Week: Obama, Hilton Hotels, and Saudi Arabia - The New...

Monday, September 7, 2015

0 What We're Reading Today (9-7-15)

What Schools Will Do to Keep Students on Track - The Atlantic Kate Grossman Why the Plan to Shrink New Orleans Failed - Five Thirty Eight Gary Rivlin Katrina Washed Away New Orleans's Black Middle Class - Five Thirty Eight Ben Casselman Tracking Police Violence A Year After Ferguson - Five Thirty Eight Donovan X. Ramsey Chelsea Clinton's Letter to "Dad, Mom" about Haiti - US Department of State Chelsea Clinton From rustbelt to bluebelt - The Economist Watts: How racist housing policy helped light the flame - KCRW Jolie Myers Inside the GOP Clown Car - Rolling Stone Matt Taibbi The Passion of Kanye West - Rolling Stone Lola Ogunnaike Hillary...

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